Lee County Sheriff Clay Whelan has spoken out against proposed legislation that he calls “soft on crime.” He also stated that the act accomplishes nothing to keep Illinois residents safer.
One piece of legislation would prohibit an officer from filing an Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer charge if the subject is thought to be undergoing a mental episode. Whelan stated that a person should still be held accountable.
Another would allow a sexual predator to approach a school within 500 to 250 feet. Whelan wonders how cutting that in half is safe for the children.
Another would reduce a first-degree murder charge to second-degree murder while decriminalizing prostitution.
Whelan stated that when he initially started as an officer, committing a criminal might result in jail time. This is not the case anymore.
Citizens should keep an eye out for this legislation and file what are known as Witness Slips with Representatives and Senators.
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