Understanding Dash Cam Regulations in Minnesota

Understanding Dash Cam Regulations in Minnesota
Minnesota has specific regulations regarding the use and installation of dash cams to ensure safety and compliance with state laws.

Legal Framework

  • Legality of Dash Cams: Dash cams are legal in Minnesota, but their use is subject to certain restrictions.
  • Mounting Requirements: Dash cams must be mounted directly behind, slightly above, or slightly below the rearview mirror. Mounting them on the dashboard or any other location that obstructs the driver’s view is prohibited.

Audio Recording Laws

  • Consent Requirements: Minnesota follows a one-party consent rule for audio recordings. This means that as the driver and owner of the vehicle, you can legally record audio within your car without needing to inform passengers or obtain their consent.

Privacy Considerations

  • Public vs. Private Property: While recording in public spaces is generally allowed, it is advisable to turn off your dash cam when on private property (such as parking lots or private driveways) to avoid recording individuals in situations where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Commercial Vehicles

  • Employer Policies: Employers must inform their employees if dash cams are installed in commercial vehicles, such as taxis, delivery trucks, and company cars. Employers should also have clear policies on the use and storage of dash cam footage to address privacy concerns.
Minnesota allows the use of dash cams with specific mounting requirements and privacy considerations. Ensuring compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and ensure the admissibility of dash cam footage in court. Sources
  1. https://facit.ai/insights/dash-cam-laws-by-state
  2. https://www.knowyourrights.com/blog/how-dashcams-can-help-in-a-car-accident/
  3. https://matrackinc.com/dash-cam-laws-by-states/
  4. https://www.ddpai.com/blog/dash-cam-laws/
  5. https://www.gpsinsight.com/blog/are-dash-cameras-legal-in-commercial-vehicles/