
Oregon Sarah Phelps Plaza to get a New Digital Sign.

By George Howe Jun 25, 2024 | 7:58 PM

The Oregon City Council met in session Tuesday night and under business items approved a recommendation from the planning commission for a variance requested by the City of Oregon for an LED lighted sign at the Sarah Phelps Plaza.

The park located at 418 Washington Street in the heart of downtown and seen by many residents and tourist and is a perfect location for a digital sign that will provide information of upcoming events.

Several items were up for discussion including a review of the First Responder Resiliency Program. City Manager Darin DeHaan see’s great value in this program for Police Officers.

DeHaan went on to say that in the past, officers were expected to take it on the chin when it came to traumatic calls while on duty. He should know, he was a former Oregon Police Officer.

In other news, job descriptions for officers from the Chief down to a patrol officer were reviewed and updated. DeHaan said that these changes will assist with chain of command along with helping to recruit and job performance.

The Finance Committee had a meeting recently as budget time is just around the corner. This was a good chance to clean up the system and rid it of files that were from the original budget put together 17 years ago.