
Stage Left Asks the City to be Allowed to Use the City Funds Differently Than Planned

By Tim Lee May 6, 2024 | 7:38 PM

The Dixon Stage Left is moving to a new location.  CEO Scott Fattizzi says they are very excited to have everything under one roof and in one building.  However, with the renovation of the new location they have had to cancel the rest of this season of productions.

Fattizzi came before the Dixon City Council Monday night with a request.  He was not asking for more money.  Fattizzi was asking that the funds the city gave the theatre be used in a different way instead of the stated original use.  He also said they are getting donations and they hope to have a soft reopening at the first of the year.

The money given by the city in the new budget was to be used for production costs.  With the shutdown, the new request was to use it for operation costs.

The council did not make a decision Monday night.  They did say they wanted to see some financial figures.  Fattizzi said he would have it for them in a couple of days.